(1934, ABD)
Zeki Z Kırmızı, 1 Ocak 2025
(1934, ABD)
Zeki Z Kırmızı, 1 Ocak 2025
kitap |
Sartre: The Origins of a Style. New Haven |
1961 |
kitap |
Marxism and Form: Twentieth Century Dialectical Theories of Literature |
1971 |
marksizm ve biçim |
2013 |
mehmet h doğan |
yapı kredi |
359 |
kitap |
The Prison-House of Language: A Critical Account of Structuralism and Russian Formalism |
1972 |
dil hapishanesi |
2019 |
mehmet h doğan |
yapı kredi |
206 |
kitap |
Fables of Aggression: Wyndham Lewis, the Modernist as Fascist |
1979 |
kitap |
The Political Unconscious: Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act |
1981 |
siyasal bilinçdışı |
2011 |
y alogan/m varlık |
ayrıntı |
268 |
makale |
Postmodernism, or The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism |
1984 |
kitap |
Postmodernism and Cultural Theories |
1987 |
postmodernizm |
1994 |
nuri plümer |
yapı kredi |
524 |
kitap |
The Ideologies of Theory. Essays 1971–1986. Vol. 1: Situations of Theory. Minneapolis |
1988 |
kitap |
The Ideologies of Theory. Essays 1971–1986. Vol. 2: The Syntax of History |
1988 |
kitap |
Nationalism, Colonialism, and Literature, Derry: Field Day |
1988 |
kitap |
Late Marxism: Adorno, or, The Persistence of the Dialectic |
1990 |
kitap |
Signatures of the Visible |
1990 |
kitap |
Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism |
1991 |
postmodernizm ya da geç kapitalizmin kültürel mantığı |
2022 |
cem gönenç |
alfa |
468 |
kitap |
Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism |
1991 |
postmodernizm ya da geç kapitalizmin kültürel mantığı |
2011 |
n plümer/ a gölcü |
nirengi |
558 |
kitap |
The Geopolitical Aesthetic: Cinema and Space in the World System |
1992 |
kitap |
The Seeds of Time |
1994 |
zamanın tohumları |
2020 |
onur gayretli |
monoKL |
231 |
kitap |
Brecht and Method |
1998 |
brecht ve yöntem |
2013 |
gül çağalı güven |
habitus |
256 |
kitap |
The Cultural Turn: Selected Writings on the Postmodern, 1983-1998 |
1998 |
kültürel dönemeç |
2005 |
kemal inal |
dost |
198 |
kitap |
The Jameson Reader. Ed. Michael Hardt and Kathi Weeks |
2000 |
makale |
Globalization and Political Strategy |
2000 |
kitap |
A Singular Modernity: Essay on the Ontology of the Present |
2002 |
biricik modernite: şimdinin ontolojisi üzerine inceleme |
2004 |
sami oğuz |
epos |
224 |
makale |
Future City |
2003 |
makale |
Fear and Loathing in Globalization |
2003 |
makale |
Symptoms of Theory or Symptoms for Theory? |
2003 |
makale |
The Politics of Utopia |
2004 |
kitap |
Archaeologies of the Future: The Desire Called Utopia and Other Science Fictions |
2005 |
ütopya denen arzu |
2017 |
ö çelik/f b aydar |
metis |
328 |
yazın |
First Impressions, a review of The Parallax View by Slavoj Žižek |
2006 |
inceleme |
First Impressions, a review of The Parallax View by Slavoj Žižek |
2006 |
kitap |
The Modernist Papers |
2007 |
modernizm ideolojisi: edebiyat yazıları |
2022 |
k, atakay/ t. birkan |
metis |
416 |
kitap |
Jameson on Jameson: Conversations on Cultural Marxism Ed. Ian Buchanan |
2009 |
jameson jameson'u anlatıyor: Kültürel Marksizm |
2016 |
şeyda öztürk |
yapı kredi |
316 |
kitap |
The Ideologies of Theory |
2009 |
kitap |
Valences of the Dialectic |
2009 |
diyalektiğin birleştirici güçleri |
2015 |
bülent oral doğan |
ithaki |
672 |
yazın |
Then You Are Them, a review of The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood |
2009 |
makale |
War and Representation |
2009 |
inceleme |
Then You Are Them, a review of The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood |
2009 |
kitap |
The Hegel Variations: On the Phenomenology of Spirit |
2010 |
hegel varyasyonları |
2016 |
bülent oral doğan |
ithaki |
152 |
kitap |
Representing 'Capital': A Reading of Volume One |
2011 |
kapital'i sahnelemek |
2013 |
cenk saraçoğlu |
sel |
192 |
kitap |
The Antinomies of Realism |
2013 |
gerçekçiliğin çelişkileri |
2018 |
orhan koçak |
metis |
360 |
kitap |
The Ancients and the Postmoderns: On the Historicity of Forms |
2015 |
antikler ve postmodernler: formların tarihselliği üzerine |
2018 |
özgüç orhan |
yapı kredi |
320 |
makale |
The Aesthetics of Singularity |
2015 |
makale |
On Re-reading Life and Fate |
2015 |
inceleme |
In Hyperspace, a review of Time Travel: The Popular Philosophy of Narrative by David Wittenberg |
2015 |
kitap |
An American Utopia: Dual Power and the Universal Army. Ed. Slavoj Žižek. |
2016 |
kitap |
Raymond Chandler: The Detections of Totality. |
2016 |
makale |
Gherman's Anti-Aesthetic |
2016 |
makale |
Marxist Criticism and Hegel |
2016 |
inceleme |
No Magic, No Metaphor, a review of One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez |
2017 |
kitap |
Allegory and Ideology |
2019 |
inceleme |
The Benjamin Files |
2020 |
benjamin dosyaları |
kitap |
Mimesis, Expression, Construction: Fredric Jameson's Seminar on Aesthetic Theory. Ed. Octavian Esanu |
2024 |
Mimesis, Dışavurum, Yapım: Fredric Jameson'ın Estetik Kuram Semineri. |
kitap |
Inventions of a Present: The Novel in its Crisis of Globalization |
2024 |
Güncel Buluşlar: Küreselleşme Krizinde Roman |
kitap |
The Years of Theory: Postwar French Thought to the Present. Ed. Carson Welch |
2024 |
Kuram Yılları: Savaş Sonrası Fransız Düşüncesinden Günümüze |