(1921-1988, İngiltere)
Zeki Z Kırmızı, 1 Ocak 2025
(1921-1988, İngiltere)
Zeki Z Kırmızı, 1 Ocak 2025
öykü |
Red Earth |
1941 |
öykü |
Sack Labourer |
1941 |
öykü |
Sugar |
1941 |
öykü |
This Time |
1943 |
öykü |
A Fine Room to be Ill In |
1948 |
önsöz |
All Things Betray Thee, (a novel by Gwyn Thomas) |
1949 |
yazınbilim |
Reading and criticism |
1950 |
yazınbilim |
Drama from Ibsen to Eliot |
1952 |
sinemakuram |
Preface to film (Michael Orrom'la) |
1954 |
tiyatrokuram |
Drama in performance |
1954 |
toplumbilim |
Culture and Society |
1958 |
Kültür ve Toplum 1780-1950 |
2024 |
Çeşitli |
İletişim |
501 |
roman |
Border Country |
1960 |
toplumbilim |
The Long Revolution |
1961 |
tiyatrokuram |
Drama from Ibsen to Brecht |
1961 |
toplumbilim |
Communications |
1962 |
toplumbilim |
The existing alternatives in communication. Socialism in the Sixties |
1962 |
roman |
Second Generation |
1964 |
oyun |
Koba |
1966 |
yazınbilim |
Modern tragedy |
1966 |
Modern Trajedi |
2018 |
Barış Özkul |
İletişim |
302 |
oyun |
Public Enquiry |
1967 |
bildirge |
New Left May Day manifesto (Hall, S.; Thompson, E. P. İle) |
1967 |
bildirge |
May Day Manifesto |
1968 |
seçki |
The Pelican Book of English prose. Vol. 2, From 1780 to the present day, Ed. |
1969 |
yazınbilim |
The English novel from Dickens to Lawrence |
1970 |
oyun |
A Letter from the Country |
1971 |
yazınbilim |
Orwell |
1971 |
Orwell |
1985 |
Nejat Bayramoğu |
128 |
toplumbilim |
Television technology and cultural form.Ed. Ederyn Williams |
1971 |
Televizyon Teknoloji ve Kültürel Biçim |
2003 |
Ahmet Ulvi Türkbağ |
Dost |
135 |
toplumbilim |
The Country and the City |
1973 |
toplumbilim |
"Base and superstructure in Marxist cultural theory". New Left Review. I |
1973 |
yazınbilim |
D.H. Lawrence on education, Ed. (Joy Williams ile) |
1973 |
seçki |
George Orwell: a collection of critical essays |
1974 |
toplumbilim |
Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society |
1976 |
Anahtar Sözcükler |
2016 |
Savaş Kılıç |
İletişim |
415 |
tiyatrokuram |
English drama: forms and development: essays in honour of Muriel Clara Bradbrook. Ed. (Axton, Marie ile) |
1977 |
yazınbilim |
Marxism and literature |
1977 |
Marksizm ve Edebiyat |
1992 |
Esen Tarım |
Adam |
176 |
roman |
The Volunteers |
1978 |
roman |
The Fight for Manod |
1979 |
siyasetbilim |
Politics and Letters: Interviews with New Left Review |
1979 |
toplumbilim |
Culture |
1981 |
Kültür |
1993 |
Suavi Aydın |
İmge |
239 |
toplumbilim |
Contact: human communication and its history, Ed. (Rossi-Landi, Ferruccio; et al.) |
1981 |
toplumbilim |
Towards 2000 |
1981 |
İkibine Doğru |
2000 |
Esen Tarım |
Ayrıntı |
256 |
toplumbilim |
Socialism and ecology |
1983 |
monografi |
Cobbett |
1983 |
toplumbilim |
Writing in society |
1983 |
roman |
Loyalties |
1985 |
seçki |
John Clare: selected poetry and prose: Williams, Merryn; Williams, Raymond, eds. |
1986 |
seçki |
Raymond Williams on television: selected writings, O'Connor, Alan, ed. |
1988 |
roman |
People of the Black Mountains 1: The beginning |
1989 |
söyleşi |
What I came to say. (Digital) |
1989 |
toplumbilim |
Resources of Hope: Culture, Democracy, Socialism |
1989 |
toplumbilim |
The Politics of Modernism. Against the New Conformists |
1989 |
Modernizmin Siyaseti |
2018 |
Barış Şannan |
Sel |
248 |
roman |
People of the Black Mountains 2: The Eggs of the Eagle |
1990 |
öykü |
The Writing on the Wall |
1990 |
okuma |
The Raymond Williams reader, Higgins, John, Ed. |
2001 |
toplumbilim |
Problems in materialism and culture: selected essays |
2005 |
Kültür ve Materyalizm |
2013 |
Ferit Burak Aydar |
Sel |
318 |
yazınbilim |
Tenses of imagination: Raymond Williams on science fiction, utopia and dystopia; Milner, Andrew, ed. |
2010 |